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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/19 in Posts

  1. are we all gonna hold hands and sing kumbaya soon?
    5 points
  2. Why do people need to be "more understanding", "nicer", "more patient" just to appease certain others. People are who they are, they say things the way they are, they go about their business the way they do..... Why exactly do people "need" to change the way they are? If people don't like criticism etc,maybe they should research by the means of reading or listening before offering comment,criticism and advice on topics that is completely wrong, blatant guesswork and in-factual, no matter what their state of health or well being.
    4 points
  3. Anyway, an actual piece of good advice is to check that the tube clamps have not been over tightened, seen that a few times when an "engineer" gets a big screw driver and thinks they are tightening up the screws that will hold the Space Shuttle together.
    3 points
  4. You stupid tit replying 3 times....is the big A getting to ya !!!
    3 points
  5. Ooooohhhh! Not getting involved lol. Peace and love people๐Ÿ‘ Tuck into an Easter Egg ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
    3 points
  6. Well I can make a tambourine out of all the beer bottle caps I have gathered this weekend if you have the guitar mate. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
    3 points
  7. I just leave my machines as standard and don't fiddle with them.
    3 points
  8. Too fucking right Russ dog !!! Some of these nutters are doing my internet head in.
    3 points
  9. 2 points
  10. Shocked by a coin mech ๐Ÿ˜ฎ didnโ€™t even know that was possible.
    2 points
  11. I could list 10 wally things I've done and you'd be sitting there thinking what an IDOTTTT! But take into account I have a hectic life, I'm a bus driver for a start and I have never met so many stupid people. Flag bus to stop, pay fair, sit down, get off, thanks, see ya, bye. This is challenging for 70% of them! If I had some form of power I would sterolise 70% of people. And I'd include management in that statement too.
    2 points
  12. never heard so much shit
    2 points
  13. The basic running costs are pretty much just the plastic filament at around ยฃ20/kg and the power the printer uses.
    2 points
  14. Shush Del this is a serious conversation!
    2 points
  15. Me too but I love a good ole sing song, knees up and bit of happy clapping especially when I'm pie eyed... ps.i can also bring the beer.๐Ÿ‘
    2 points
  16. You should have highlighted the word 'after'!
    2 points
  17. Haha, I would love to go toe to toe with you also BUT for one you do have some good ideas, give good input and do seem to know what you are talking about regarding certain things. You don't talk like a prick like some others seem to on a regular basis. I appreciate that guys like Eastenders, Ben Moore and others may have learning difficulties but it would help if they didn't talk rubbish at times by researching first. Second, we seem to have a different outlook on what a rat's tail is. Where I come from and what I do, i would call a rat's tail and Auger bit ( i thought the name you used may have been an in trade name for such a bit) , that is why I thought this being a round profile and have a good length (with a little light lube to keep friction down) may have been another good idea. Third, I am not an expert, I only have many years of experience (probably been here on the Mecca over 15/16 years) and have seen these topics plenty of times. Have repaired boards, built test rigs, stripped dozens of machines and probably given more away than I have ever used myself, among other bits and bob's I have chipped in with, helped here and there with the emulation guys also. Personally again, using my work experience, being a maintenance technician for over 25 years my approach would would have been to stick the tube in the chuck of a lathe (at work) , find a Morse Taper drill bit around 24mm and drill the tube out or failing that, use a boring bar and skim a mill or so from the inside of the tube. This would keep it smooth and uniform down the full barrel, ensuring cooling fluid/lube is being used of course. I appreciate this option is not available to everyone although a couple of years ago, I would certainly have volunteered to bore such tubes out for anyone who needed them doing..... sadly over the last couple of years (or so) the Mecca has been swamped with bell ends, hence my supporting membership has not lately been renewed. Don't get me wrong there are still many many that don't fit into the "bell end" category, both of which are old and new members. I do hope my method of opening up the "tubes" passes muster with the "others" you mention and hope it is a "good one" for you as I dread the repercussions if it doesn't meet approval. ๐Ÿ‘
    2 points
  18. Well today is the day, time to set up and attempt these repairs, burnt fingers blood a sweat time .
    2 points
  19. You can't tell some people or offer good advice. Some have done it before, so it must work. Bear in mind i am small minded and not a nice person. I am also becoming "boarded" of trying to help and read nonsense posts and replies. Just can't wait to see the results of jabbing a 24mm x 300mm long spade drill bit in the end of a had drill down an acryllic tube that may be around 400mm long.... Rat's tail maybe RHM, with a bit of lubrication. Token tubes seem to be the most sensible answer but sanding and drilling have been done before it seems.
    2 points
  20. Talk sense. Being nice?? How old are you? I don't suffer fools lightly.... You seem to be still making shit statements.... if nothing is impossible, may I suggest you walk to the moon. Let me know when you start the journey.
    2 points
  21. I 3D printed a new ยฃ1 tube for my JPM Hi Roller...
    2 points
  22. I have read many posts over time on many different forums from cars to arcade machines. It seems like the standard of posts or it may be the way posts come across is getting worse and worse. "I am scared of getting an error on machines, stress??" Really, some of the posts that appear on the Mecca at the moment or some of the people that make the posts don't live in the real world..... Do they? How do some get through daily life? Other posts give advice that is completely wrong and miles wide of the mark.... Ford forum (won't say which)..... guy Want's to disable airbags and warning lights (to pass Mot) as he was scared..... scared of the airbags going off if he ever had a collision..... Need I say more.... The worry fruits, the advisors who would advise looking for a gas leak with a lighter are taking over. Makes me so glad I dropped the interest in electronics, fruities (from such an involved level) a good while ago and made brewing my new hobby where worries, being scared and shit advice seem to have no place.... yet.๐Ÿ˜ฉ
    2 points
  23. Or ยฃ250 worth of free bus rides.. The bingo wing passengers are great! Free toffees too! Hence my dentists visit next week. Council estate runs are good too, handy if you need a bag of weed for the weekend. The worst are the city runs with stuck up idiots on the bus who can't even be bothered to put the complimentry paper back, or just plain ignore you as they are so involved in their phone. And the inspector, well that's another tail.
    1 point
  24. Honest, loyal and a genuine wally.
    1 point
  25. If you are a Wally mate, you hide it well, others evidently struggle with hiding it. You my friend are no Wally.
    1 point
  26. You will be tarred with the same Small Minded Cuntish brush that i have been tarred with by the new know all do alls mate... Let them get on with it, blind have led the blind off of cliffs throughout history. ๐Ÿ˜
    1 point
  27. Fuse on psu..would be my first port of call
    1 point
  28. I used DesignSpark Mechanical for creating the models, it's available for free from RS Components.
    1 point
  29. hmmm might just be your 50v coil fuse or what ever voltage coils run off on mpu4.
    1 point
  30. that is very cool, how did you design the part?
    1 point
  31. Send you pics tomorrow am taking it in so itโ€™s not scrapped can only tell you about it tomorrow when it arrives ๐Ÿ‘Œ
    1 point
  32. That light unit needs fiddling with a sledgehammer. Fucking stupid thing!
    1 point
  33. Nice one Rich, just check your solder over to make sure nothing is shorting to other legs or tracks and you have no rogue solder drops anywhere. Plug in and hold breath..
    1 point
  34. Haha, bless her, i am sure you will get to grips with it mate. Better melt a bit of plastic that doesn't hurt , rather than your fingertips....
    1 point
  35. And finally after advice, why not block them? Finally, i never knew you could do that so i don't have to read, be alerted by or notified of any more shit from Bellends (unless i am bored of course).... ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    1 point
  36. Happy Easter everyone. A couple more vids to add on here. Hope you enjoy watching as always. First up is JPM Hi Note Here is Pound Stretcher by ACe Sorry about the lamp fault. Hopefully sort it soon and a duel of SRU goodness Eachway Shuffle vs Two Step Thanks in advance for watching and any comments on here or my YouTube channel๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
    1 point
  37. very good, ill get the guitar out
    1 point
  38. Its ok mate no worries im a very decent understanding guy and wouldn't hurt anyone some people say im too good for my own good
    1 point
  39. Nice work TTX. That looks pretty darn smart mate. Don't seem to have issues with my JPM machines luckily Although my Maygay Cashpack jams. But this pays out 50s as well,so I just leave it on 50p payouts for now as it holds about 90quid in the tube and the bank limit only goes to a 10er lol. Also it has a curved tube in the overflow and the ยฃ's jam in that too! Top job๐Ÿ‘
    1 point
  40. Haha yes, I added the after part when I read back.... made that mistake before. Just have a beer to help clear repair fog and the mind..... not long later, would be sat in the sun with more beer and more in the fridge thinking repairs can wait.
    1 point
  41. Good luck Rich, take it steady and you will get there...... Put a beer or two in the fridge as a "light at the end of the tunnel reward", after you have some repaired working boards.๐Ÿ‘
    1 point
  42. Here here. Its probably the hardest thing to do in a community of people you don't really know . We all have walls built around ourselves, and it takes courage to take down a couple of bricks and let folks look inside....
    1 point
  43. Tbh I do think your a small minded and highly objective person too mate. I never see any friendliness or really advice in your posts. You wanted ridicule some of these fella's right from the get go... for what opening up a tube slightly!?!? All I see is objecting, objectivity and objection. I'm a high end tradesman- I work with hand tools daily...my work has been featured on Grand designs Tv show and if I'm honest sand paper round a rounded bit of wood will work fine... a rat tail file will work fine... lubrication why!? It's not metal?? It's opening up a plastic tube fractionally. It's not hard. It's a 20 minute job lol. Sure I agree token tubes would be lovely but I doubt I will get any as everyone will want to use them. If you are such an expert why don't you tell everyone reading how you would approach the job??? I and I'm sure others would love to have your expert opinion? It better be a good one :)
    1 point
  44. Quatrohead you need to be more understanding of other people , just because you know everything dont mean other people are stupid or nutters like you just said
    1 point
  45. Well not everyone understands me or understands people with learning disabilities , some people on here have said im only after what I can get and once ive got it I bugger off , well thats not the case at all , If I know something or remember something then of course I will try to help someone
    1 point
  46. Im autistic im good at some things but not in others but I do try to learn things
    1 point
  47. No sense worrying about stuff like this, if your that paranoid about old equipment failures, you should mabye find a hobby other than collecting old equipment. Even machines we consider modern are now getting on for 20 years old, and the ones we tend to collect are 30-40 years old sometimes older! thats 20 odd years of hard service plus how many years in damp garages before we got our hands on them and then more years of constant play! things are going to break its just the way it is. I dont worry about meters etc anyway, I just bypass them for home use.
    1 point
  48. I want to live in a world where my only worry is a fruit machine giving me an error code lol
    1 point
  49. I can see this ending in tears for some on here that will try opening a tube up with one of these in the end of their Makita, mate.
    1 point
  50. Test equipment does not have to be expensive, lots of bargains about, just depends how you want to do repairs, and they are not difficult to use, these days of the internet there is always a video on what you want to know, different in my day when I bought my first scope there was no internet! had to learn myself, so you all have it so much easier these days!!! this was my first scope, bought from Maplins Southend NEW when they were a proper electronics parts supplier! went there special to buy it, it is still in the loft too in its original box with the receipt!!
    1 point
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