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  1. Past hour
  2. I buy machines to sell on, pay license, pay tax pay overheads and much more, I’m an asshole. people on here do it, avoid all overheads - and it’s fine 🤣 (That’s not aimed at you netdent, more the people on here who jump on me constantly, but not others)
  3. I bunged it on ebay last night to put it out there, I don't expect to sell it tho, currently the mpu is out, I will try and look at the roms but I'm sure they are already out there And yes segs are all red
  4. Today
  5. If you’re talking about fast forward, the seven segs were always the red colour also @netdentif possible a rom dump would be cool too cheers
  6. Yesterday
  7. Indeed, it was not that common, after Maygay took all the glory with this format. One of the first +50 point maygays was a 4.80 machine called Discovery, and all I played for was the 2.40 double repeat. Maygay revived the same machine in 2000 with a 15 quid jackpot called...wait for it...Discovery 2000. Although the point values, started at 1000 (I think), top of the trail was 2000 points, with a win series. Anyway, all I can remember of this machine was the LED number display could change colour from Red - Yellow - Green, depending on how far up the trail you was. This barcrest was quickly converted to 5p play 3 quid jackpot, as most of them ended up like this. Statto
  8. Last week
  9. Hello Digby, We can help you with an Ace System One MPU and power supply board. This was repaired 20 years ago and then put away. We hardly have not any Ace System One machines here in the Netherlands anymore. If you are interested, you can contact me by WhatsApp on number +31642572219. When you contact me by WhatsApp I can send you some pictures. Regards Randy from the Netherlands
  10. Very true, unless it's a rare or expensive board
  11. That is sadly the trouble with repairing boards, they take so much time and get so involved to do a half decent repair. Its certainly not profitable for any one to do them, just a labour of love which won't pay the bills ( or I would still be doing them)
  12. That’s a shame Ron, unbelievable it booted, hopefully it will run again!
  13. Yeah I could repair it but would take ages, just dug out a mod 2 that I know works and bung that in for now, I have loads of mpu's but most are destroyed by these bloody batteries
  14. Thats an old blue varta too ronnie .mod 4 s are nt built as well as mod 2 s and the vapours cause more damage
  15. So I whipped the mpu out the seal was intact so never opened, the news is not good! Battery has done a fair bit of damage, I removed it and cleaned the board with ipa then washed it in warm soapy water, all the tracks under the battery are gone for starters. i should have another mpu, I’m surprised this one even booted
  16. Cheers, have had it working and it is a good game When I get a chance to look at it properly I will get some pictures
  17. Barcrests Version of maygays sudden impact and the like
  18. Hope you get it working as a great little game Any chance of some nice hi res images of this for emulation purposes, the machine needs to be off one of the machine and cab in full view and other of the top middle and base glasses if possible reel bands also if possible Thankyou
  19. Tsk, did you not read his original post????
  20. I come over here every now and again
  21. Nice to have you back rob .what was the issue with you not being able to log in and how did you overcome it ?
  22. (Actually I see Spa has not visited here in like 4 months, so our PM might be better over on Dif where he is active)
  23. I haven't had time to have a proper look through yours yet, though I see it appears to be a lot more complete (i.e: lots more machines), which is great! There is a user @spa who did a massive amount of work on the data entry, finding out official names for cabinet types where they exists, and linking up to his collection of flyer images too... I just got the ball rolling, as like you, wanted somewhere where all this kind of info could live for the community. I did see the arcade museum (formerly klov)... another site that could be a template since they open-sourced their underlying db code is: https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/ I think for now, since I don't really have the serious amount of time it'd take to learn web db stuff to implement, it is probably best to continue with the Google Sheets approach. It's certainly not ideal (compared to a true database), but it does provide free hosting, ability to give specific trusted people editing rights, easy for multiple editors to collaborate, intuitive to edit without needing to know about databases, etc. Well that would be amazing, if you have the time! And of course there's no rush on any of this, but it's super useful as a community resource (I have used and continue to use it as a reference already). I'd be happy to take a closer look into this, and perhaps set up a new Google Sheets doc (Fruit Machine Database 2!) - that can accommodate the various data fields from both of these databases as a starting point... I'd perhaps start that over the weekend. Happy to chat on PM either here or on Desert Island Fruits forum - and let's loop @spa into our PM to as he sink a massive amount of time into the Google Sheets fruit machine database I'll kick that off now, and keep you both posted on this initial work I'll do to set up the new merged db - hopefully tomorrow afternoon I'll at least get the project started
  24. Which Butlins, Bognor was my yearly holiday as a child and young adult. I've private messaged you also
  25. Wow! I wish I'd have known.Your database before I started mine.I did look on the Desert Island Forum and did see mention of a database but couldn't find the link for it. Having said that, if I had, I'm not sure, I probably would have spent all the time I have on mine! Yours does look very similar to mine, albeit we've come from slightly different approaches as you'd expect from two different people trying to do the same thing. Yes, more than happy to have the two merged and the whole point of doing it was to share with the community anyway. So yes, happy to have it online wherever and certainly makes sense to have one central location for it. Yes, I'm very familiar with ipdb and of course.I'm sure you probably know that there's a very similar one.Arcade Museum for video games, and it's the lack of something similar for fruit machines which is what inspires me to try to create the database in the first place. However, I don't have the experience or knowledge to be able to create a website for it. No, mine is just a simple set of Excel sheets. I think it could be relatively easily loaded into a database like Access. I'm happy to do the work to merge the two although might take a while and maybe not till after the summer or if you could set up where you think the best location would be and as you say, we can both edit though I'm wondering whether it might be easy to edit first before having it on the central location. Of course, mine is missing some information, notably the.MPU type. Maybe best if we take the discussion to PM?
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