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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/20 in Posts

  1. BWB Superwin mpu3. Will she ever be in a happy mood Again?
    2 points
  2. New PCP Rubbish appears at #stevesfruitys 😳😂
    2 points
  3. Some Pound Stretcher fun. Got my payout issues sorted. It kept tripping on payout. Just prised pins apart slightly with a plastic pen top and went over them with a fibre pencil. Connection is pretty solid now. Running sweet again. Here's some plays.....
    2 points
  4. This was originally released as a mini 1024dx then i enlarged it for mfme5 but forgot to update the release thread, move onto today and barrie bluestreak has just got this machine and kindly got his roms dumped by louie bee for us to finally enjoy this layout without the feature cash numbers crashing the emulator Here's the original notes from the earlier release Here is a old classic, probably my oldest machine layout so far, It's pcp's nudgemoney a great little 2p'er!!!. I can see why spa loves this machine so much a excellent machine that sits alongside the great test pilot but in my option is miles better in playabilty, as spa states you can get the jackpot regularly by taking the 2nd feature "hi-lo money". I now remember this machine well as it was one of the first machines i played back in the 80's where i learnt to perfect the skillstop's and probably played it a lot due to it being cheap as a fiver on these would last all afternoon down by the seaside on a wet sunday lol. Back to the layout, thanks to spa for sending me the images and hopefully we'll see this in his large emulation machine in the near future!! Its been an absolute pleasure recreating this, brought back great memories. At times i thought it's just to hard to make anything from the images but with a little push and from some more images found from the mecca, here it is!! Also thanks to spa for his classic layout used as a base! the text isn't as accurate as the original machine text but is the correct fontage, also the picky ones here will probably notice the double 2p's are different than the actual machine, due to me putting them the wrong way around.. oooppppss lol. thanks goto player for originally dumping the roms. Nudge Money £2 Dx Mfme6.1+.zip
    1 point
  5. Thanks to all involved, smashing stuff.
    1 point
  6. Golden Shot fun In a happy mood for a change.
    1 point
  7. Indeed i got the dreamcast on launch day back in 1999 and for retro purposes I rebuilt my collection last year . it was probobally the most underrated console to date. segas problem with the Saturn was its difficulty to code for and the way they had been pissing off developers for the last few years so quite a few gave the dreamcast a wide birth(EA being the main one with its popular FIFA football game)even though they embedded it with Windows CE to make porting PC games easy. SEGA had the idea of using the gigabyte CD rom disk known as a gd rom to help curb piracy that the PlayStation suffered with a normal cd rom disks (oddly not the Saturn)but they left a weakness in the system by allowing mini disks to boot without the proper security checks thus allowing those boot CDs to surface and gd rom games could be ripped down and burned to normal CDs and the whole anti paracy measures could be bypasses without the need for a mod chip. segas thinking must have been that the system would be more secure as gd roms could not be read by a normal CD/DVD burner found in a PC but software was coded using the easy to program dreamcast that actually used the consoles own GD rom drive to read the disk. the later verson dreamcast motherboard had this back door hack fixed but it was then too late. had they used a DVD drive with better security and had a better relationship with developers the console would have succeeded and we could have now been on the DC 2,3 or 4.
    1 point
  8. As ref for a classic...
    1 point
  9. Great to see the new roms work like intended. Was a pain having to avoid certain features with the other roms we had, so huge thanks for getting the roms re-dumped so vectra could get the layout finished properly. I redid some of the affect, and meter settings from the original layout as they weren't configured correctly. The multiplier should have been set to '2' instead of '1', etc, so I had to reset the ram and start afresh. Fixed layout attached. Nudge Money £2 Dx Mfme6.1+ fixed.zip
    1 point
  10. Here’s nudge money cleaned up and with a little more black to its bars mirracles soon, just need to sort buttons then I’ll finish and post Before and after below.....
    1 point
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